August 12, 2011

Bacon Brownies

You know you've always wanted to try them... the logic commonly used is, "if I like items A and B, why wouldn't I like A and B combined?" So here is an amazingly easy recipe to wow your friends and family- just add bacon!

5 strips bacon (more if desired, but it's a good start)
1 box brownie mix
Required brownie mix-ins (such as eggs, water, etc.)

1.  Cook bacon strips in a pan until just crispy.  You want to be able to cut them easily with a knife, but not rock-hard.  Place bacon on a paper towel to cool.  Reserve bacon grease.
2.  Assemble brownie ingredients in a mixing bowl.  Instead of using plain vegetable oil, use the bacon grease.  If there isn't enough, add vegetable oil until you get the required ammount.  Stir until just combined.
3.  Chop up bacon strips into bite-sized pieces.  Fold into the brownie mix.
4.  Pour the mix into a greased pan and bake according to brownie package directions.  Let cool before eating- the brownies will cut easier and you won't burn your mouth :-)

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